da Heather

Alessio, our Superman and Valentina, our Angel

Our delivery had complications and our son Alessio stayed in the NICU for 17 days while his mamma stayed in the hospital for 10. During this time, Alessio was eating both milk from the breast and formula from the bottle. Our Superman Alessio immediately took to the boob the first time he was offered it three days after his birth. But mamma’s milk supply was still coming in and needing to equilibrate as it was not the only food supply. Enter our angel Valentina who helped us figure out how to build and maintain mamma’s breast milk during this precarious period. She was so attentive to our situation and closely observed Alessio while he was eating.

When we were discharged from the hospital and went home, feeding was so stressful between breastfeeding, pumping, and formula. Eventually, we called Valentina for a home visit. She stayed with us for an hour and created a strategy for us to feed more easily. From that appointment on, Alessio started eating from the boob 100%. Mealtime with Alessio became a source of joy instead of a source of stress.

I can’t thank enough La Prima Coccola, our angel Valentina, and the wonderful doctors, nurses, and staff in the NICU. Thank you a thousand times over.